The Inspiration Behind Lucky Bag 2024’s Dragon Theme

by Сашка

Beautylish Lucky Bags sell out every year—partly because of the unmatched product assortment and savings, and partly because of the collectible packaging. We’re happy to report, this year’s artwork lives up to the hype. Want to learn more about the design process? We’re taking you behind the scenes.

Theme: Dragons

2024 Lucky Bags dragon theme was suggested by one of our Creative Production team members! We appreciated the multitude of symbolism dragons represent across different Asian cultures—from power, good luck, and strength to perseverance, nobility, and divinity. With the upcoming Lunar New Year ringing in the Year of the Dragon, the stars truly aligned.

The Inspiration Behind Lucky Bag 2024’s Dragon Theme

Artist: Vikku Chu

This year, we worked with artist Vikki Chu for the Lucky Bag artwork. Fun fact: she designed our Lucky Bag 2017 artwork, featuring an owl design. We usually work with different artists every year, but we’ve followed her journey since and were impressed by the evolution of her style. As we pitched our idea, to our surprise, she also loves dragons and was excited for a chance to draw a bunch of them for us! Meant to be.

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The Inspiration Behind Lucky Bag 2024’s Dragon Theme

Along with dragons, you’ll see other little creatures in the campaign—inspired by Chinese folk art—that are often embroidered on Chinese children’s hats and worn around New Year for good luck and protection.

“I love drawing animals and creatures—pigs/boars, cats, and bugs are often my favorite. It was so fun getting to draw the dragons, and exciting because 2024 will be their year!” —Vikki Chu

As we enter 2024, we hope the dragons on this year’s Lucky Bag bring you good luck and fortune and help you tap into your power.

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